The first two episodes of It’s In The Game covered roughly five years each of development time- the first two titles in episode 1, then Madden ’92 through Madden ’96 for episode 2. An appropriate amount of time is dedicated for each-...
When we last left off with It’s In The Game, the documentary hit the high point of John Madden Football becoming the huge surprise hit of the 1990 holiday season. A lot happens in the next five years, and the second episode achieves a neat parallel by...
It’s a bit strange to think of Madden Football in retro terms. Yes, the franchise dates to the eighties- but it still exists today, debatably as the most popular video game of our era, just not one we generally describe as a part of video game culture...
Japanese feature phone games, also known as keitai games or I-Mode games, remain one of the stranger side quests in gaming history. At a time in the aughts that started to see more official releases for Japanese-only titles in the West, keitai games from the...
Grand Theft Auto is one of the biggest media franchises of all time, you need only look at the sales numbers for proof. The most recent game in the series, Grand Theft Auto V, has cleared over 6 billion dollars, making it the best-selling piece of traditional...
Old School Gamer’s Patrick Hickey Jr. chats with gaming developer Grady Hunt, who discusses his time on Bloody Roar on the original Sony PlayStation. Old School Gamer Magazine: How did you get involved in the game? Grady Hunt: I was working at Sony, it was the second...