Coming Soon to the iiRcade Wizard Of Walls! “Wizard Of Walls” is a dungeon/maze shooter with retro mechanics inspired by the old arcade classic “Wizard Of Wor”. You play a warrior with a laser gun and have to shoot all monsters. If you touch a...
I have waited a while for the iiRcade to have a golf game on it. This one is a pretty good start. There are many aspects of the game I wish were different, but I am sure there will be updates to help with those. Major Title 2 is an arcade-style golf simulation. The...
I am a huge fan of the R-Type games. Weather it in the arcade or on a console such as the Sega Master System. These games are super fun and difficult at the same time. R-Type LEO is a really good part of the series. It really shows how good the graphics are and the...
Chicago, IL – iiRcade Inc., a premium home arcade console that allows gamers of all ages to play their favorite retro and modern games in a true arcade style, is pleased to announce that Ninja Baseball Bat Man, officially licensed by Tozai, Inc. and Irem...
It’s Halloween time and its only fitting to add another Halloween themed game to the iiRcade. This one is a perfect game to challenge and excite the iiRcade family. “Once Upon a Time on Halloween” is a “Cuphead” style gameplay with...
A lot of times when you go into an arcade, there would be a game or two that you put a quarter in a game, play it once and then realize you really aren’t too crazy about it. This would have been one of those games if I didn’t have a Nintendo Switch. Let me...