If you’ve played the 1980’s hit game of Tetris then you’ll be pleased to know that as of this morning, we have been informed that you can now download Wei-ju Wu’s WIP Commodore Amiga game of Tetra Zone. As in the words of the creator “a...
We’ve just received word from our good friend Richard of Langford Productions, of a new PC game that has been released called ‘A Very Hairy Christmas’. A game which doesn’t just have nods to other classic games from the 80’s such as...
Amstrad CPC owners if you’re feeling a little left out, then worry not! As we’ve just found out through our emails and Twitter, that AYOR61 and team, who were also behind other games such as Missile Command, Octopus 21 and Midnight Streets. Has released...
Fancy a game that doesn’t just have a great starting soundtrack, a brilliant intro and turn based combat for up to 4 players? Then make sure to check out Windigo Productions latest Commodore 64 game of ‘Battle for Cronos’. A game in which the creator...
Even though the Caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet and I’m still half asleep, I thought I’d give quick a shout out to Kim Fastrup Larsen’s new remake update of ‘Labyrinth’ for the Commodore Amiga. A game in which the developer says...
With the holidays approaching, everyone is focused on the new games we want, but in this special post, we detail games that deserve to be remembered. Endless Midnight: Zombie Swarm: Jordan Trudgett’s independent game on the 360 Live Arcade was from a different era. In...