Now here’s a scary thought for ya. The Nintendo 64 cult-classic, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, almost featured zero voice-acting. Yes, you read that right. Could you imagine the game’s opening scene, without a voice? What about the countless one-liners? Would simple text have...
Old School Gamer chats with Flap Happy developed Ryan Carson, who discusses the game’s development cycle and current Kickstarter. Support the game on Kickstarter here. Old School Gamer: How was this game born? Ryan Carson: Initially, Flap Happy came from a simple...
The mid to late ‘90s were an interesting time for gaming. With the end of the 16-bit era and rise of the Sony PlayStation, the slow death of 2D games was beginning and the ascension of the sexier 3D games we now know and love today was upon us. The end result was some...
While Electronic Arts’ Earl Weaver Baseball series is heralded as the game that brought realism to the forefront of video games based on America’s pastime, Atari subdivision Tengen’s RBI Baseball was easily the first truly amazing home console recreation of the sport....
Old School Gamer Magazine chats with NEScape! creator Kevin Hanley, who discusses the game and what it meant to be a part of the entire development process. Old School Gamer Magazine: How was this game born? Kevin Hanley: Every year my friends and I go to an escape...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features “ZapCristal” Cristal Laboy, who is displayed on card number 3968, from the Superstars of 2021 Collection. Cristal is host of her own YouTube Channel with over 6,000 subscribers and counting. Her passion for video games is...