I remember it like it was yesterday; walking into Toys ‘R Us to get my young twins some presents for the upcoming holiday season. Of course, when I go into a toy store, the first place I go to is the video game section. Not for the kids, but for me. I was still...
First released in 2005, Guitar Hero was like the Konami arcade game Guitar Freaks in which you hit certain buttons as they appeared on the screen. Guitar Hero, though, took this approach to the next level. First, it used a guitar-shaped controller. This controller had...
Normally this is the part where we sit and talk about some of the coolest games that have recently hit the iiRcade. Since we are at the end of the year, it is time to reflect on where the iiRcade is in the video game industry. Now I won’t be talking about numbers,...
Asteroids™: Recharged Explodes onto Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, PC, VCS Today 1980’s Arcade Classic Hyperspace Warps into the 21st Century with a Modern Touch NEW YORK — Dec 14, 2021 — Asteroids: Recharged, the modern co-op revival of the definitive arcade shooter from...
The most memorable quote from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” In fact, most people in the know concerning pinball aren’t aware that the popular movie from 1986 received a...
The Corgs Expo has been around since 2009 and since then Gary Carnuche and Gary Mayer have been wonderfully welcoming Ohio and Midwestern video game aficionados to the Columbus Ohio Retro Gaming Society Convention (CORGS-Con). During that time they have welcomed...