Psst! Hey, you! Yeah, you. Over here. I see you like PSPs. Wanna learn a secret? That thing can do so much more than you probably know, but, like, don’t tell Sony I told you this, okay? Let’s keep this between us, alright? This info ain’t exactly...
The PlayStation Portable (PSP) is handheld game console developed by Sony. It was first announced at E3 in 2003 and shown to the public in ay of 2004. It was released in Japan on December 12, 2004, and in North America on March 24, 2005. The PSP primarily competed...
In the early ’00s, Nintendo was in dire need of a sales boost. For years, Sony had been dominating the market with the PlayStation and PlayStation 2, while Nintendo’s own GameCube failed to meet expectations. Competition was getting more crowded in the...
The mid-to-late ‘70s saw the dawn of handheld electronic games and the beginning of my collecting something other than comic books. Console systems like the Fairchild Channel F and Atari 2600 launched in 1976 and 1977 respectively, but their high prices – $250...
Behind the doors of an unassuming building hidden away in an industrial complex in the heart of Texas lies one of the most creative and revolutionary pinball companies around. If you are a pinball fan and have never heard of Multimorphic, you’re missing out on a whole...
I was born in 1981, the same year that Jump Man and Donkey Kong had everyone over a barrel and shortly after Pac-Man gave everyone a certain fever. Back then, video games as an entertainment medium were in their infant years and still just a curiosity to most. The...