“So, do I turn this “Winger” tape into MP3’s or do I just plop it to the bottom of the stack, never again to see the light of day?” This was the first question I posed to myself as I was sifting through the collection of audio cassettes...
For Atari in the late 70s, the phrase, ―10 Years Ahead of Its Time‖ best describes the Atari 800 computer. To help bring the arcade home in the early ̳80‘s, Atari used the technology of their Atari 400 computer for the new Atari 5200 Game system, the best phrase to...
In the beginning, God created Nintendo, and it was good; shortly after she created man, and quickly realized she should have stuck with Nintendo. Then around 20 years went by and man asked himself, “Hey, if God can do it, why can I?” And thus, the ROM...
Enough green already, sheesh! I don‘t know about you, but when I see or hear those words…Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…I can‘t help but sing the whole song whether it‘s in my head or out loud! In fact, I‘ve sang it so much that...
Let me first tell you that this series of reviews was originally published in the Retrogaming Times, and then continued into the Retrogaming Times Monthly magazines. [Editor’s note: Retrogaming Times Monthly is a GREAT magazine, check out Alan’s Bio on the contents...
The early-to-mid 1990’s were an amazing time if you were a video gamer. For starters, there were a LOT of options for your gaming dollar. At the turn of the decade, the market was bombarded by a flood of companies, all eager to take a slice of the freshly baked...