Made in Japan: Bangai-O

Made in Japan: Bangai-O

Most everyone in the classic gaming community knows of the Japanese game developer Treasure and their impeccable track record for making some of the best action games to ever grace a video game console (and even a candy cab or two). So this being an article on...
Hidden Gems: Total Recall

Hidden Gems: Total Recall

According to the June 1990 issue of Videogames & Computer Entertainment, Acclaim took an unexpected turn in the development of the Nintendo Entertainment System version of Total Recall. It commissioned Interplay to transform the expected summer blockbuster into...
Aliens Vs Predator Games

Aliens Vs Predator Games

Very few film and comic franchises have yielded positive results when translated into the video game medium. Pick any random five video games based on either a film or comic and the odds of just one of those games being remotely decent are pretty slim. As gamers we‘ve...


As a kid in the late 1970s, before I had a video game system of my very own (Santa didn‘t come through until 1982, when he brought a ColecoVision to our house), I would make any excuse I could think of to visit friends who owned an Atari 2600, an Odyssey2,or even a...


Imagine if you will: you and your girlfriend, both parapsychology majors from a local university, decide to take a trip to an abandoned mansion that had the reputation of housing evil experiments run by the mad scientist known as Dr. West. On the way, you‘re hit by a...