About This Episode Forty-five years ago, a southern action-adventure comedy set in rural Georgia hit the small screen. For seven seasons in the early ’80s, we followed the adventures of Bo & Luke Duke and their ’69 Dodge Charger. In this Backtrack, we look back on...
During this renaissance of Atari 2600 games in the wake of the release of the 2600+, prices for those decades-old cartridges continue to climb. So it’s even more important now to know the caliber of the game inside the increasingly-expensive little plastic boxes. In...
Basic Fun’s line of Arcade Classics tabletop video game toys were all the rage in the late teens, but new released evaporated around 2020 – or so we thought! Just in the past week, sightings of a new Pac-Man with a 2024 copyright and updated box art started to appear...
About This Episode We’re Generation X kids who grew up largely unsupervised and left to our own devices. That often resulted in “play” time being a bit rougher and more hazardous than those who grew up in later generations. In this Backtrack, we’re taking a stroll...
About This Episode We head back to the theatre for latest kaiju team-up movie from Legendary pictures, check out a capable mini computer with a budget price that just might surprise you, and play a new arcade-style indie game featuring a cow with a pickaxe gathering...
Raiders of the Lost Ark is an action-adventure game for the Atari 2600 released in 1982, based on the 1981 film of the same name. The game was designed by Howard Scott Warshaw. When the opportunity to write an Atari VCS game based on the film was offered at Atari,...