Available from AtariAge.com for $25 Any creative art, from movies to novels to video games (yes, I called video games art), has to move forward with new techniques and big ideas. And any designer who hits on something that’s never been done before will give it...
Knowing of Pat Contri since I started up Old School Gamer Magazine, I knew I wanted to check out one of his books. Recently, at the Retro Game Con in Syracuse, NY, I asked him what book I should start out with. He said while he has the SNES book released more...
Meeting Warren a couple years ago has started out a relationship where I’ve spent some nice time with him – first talking at E3, then later in Des Moines when he was in town, and hanging out at a couple retro gaming expos. When I first met him he told me he was...
Breakout: Pilgrim in the Microworld – Book Review By Michael Mertes As a video game player, you can probably name a few different game titles that intrigued you so much that you could potentially be clinically Thoughts of the game and how to play it race through...
Move over James Bond, there is a new secret agent to save the day! Be warned that the CIA agent in question, Roy Heart, throws stealth and espionage out the door. He is capable of sliding past security cameras to avoid detection, but primarily he is just a bad ass...
In a previous issue, I talked about the Switch collections from Konami: the Contra Collection and the Castlevania Collection. But did you know that there was a third one… or should I say a first one? Prior to these two awesome classic collections, in April 2019,...