The 1980s were a Golden Age for cartoonish super villains. Consider the brutish evil of Dolph Lundgren as Ivan Drago in Rocky IV, the greed of Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko in Wall Street. Yet both pale in comparison to Bill Laimbeer as portrayed by himself on the...
Coin-op nostalgia was in full swing this past holiday season, and odds are that your heart was elevated when you first gazed upon the 3⁄4 scale arcade cabinets by Arcade 1UP in your local mall. My initial impression was that they were made for small people or...
The Say Hey Kid Willie Mays. Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio. Shoeless Joe Jackson. Sadly, a mix of genetics, which kept me short with a stick figure physique, and a startling lack of hand-eye coordination ensured that I would never join the ranks of these baseball immortals....
I still remember the overwhelming excitement I felt when I first acquired the Sega CD system. I had owned a Commodore 64, an NES and a Sega Genesis, but the Sega CD was going to change everything. After all, it’s games were on compact disc, not dusty, old cartridges....
Recently, there has been an influx of miniaturized versions of arcade classics. For example, I can collect small arcade machines and fit them all in my spare bedroom. For example, I have Frogger, Galaga, Dig Dug, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Galaxian and Space...
Growing up, I had a few friends who had dirt bikes. I did not. I was always a little jealous. The closest I could come to my own personal motocross was taking my bicycle to construction sites and riding it on dirt piles. Well, that and playing Excitebike. Based on my...