The term “film noir” traces back to 1946 and the French film critic Nino Frank. He used the phrase in an article titled, “A New Kind of Police Drama: the Criminal Adventure,” which focused on films like Double Indemnity, The Maltese Falcon, and Murder My Sweet. They...
My interest in the GameShell began when I heard about it back in November 2017, right as Old School Gamer was in its infancy. I often find myself backing many retro gaming related products that I see popping up on crowdfunding sites, especially on Kickstarter, which...
The marketing boldly promotes the C-64 Mini as “The World’s Best-Selling Home Computer – Reborn!”, and in many ways, that proves to be true. At a buck and a quarter per game, the C64 Mini has a lot to offer. While not perfect, most of the promises made by this new...
Jamie Lendino, the Editor-in-Chief of ExtremeTech, recently released (June, 2018) a new book on the Atari 2600 titled Adventure: The Atari 2600 At The Dawn Of Console Gaming. It is his second Atari-related book and is the follow up to his earlier (March, 2017) Atari...
All good things come to an end. Beginning with the 1986 release of Labyrinth, Lucasfilm/LucasArts released some of the greatest adventure games ever created. Games like The Secret of Monkey Island, Zak McKracken and The Alien Mindbenders, and Maniac Mansion still...
Pinball has a long and varied history, with roots that stretch back hundreds of years. In the 18th century, the game Billard japonais (Japanese billiards) introduced the spring launcher that is a staple of all modern pinball machines. A little under 200 years later,...