Retro gaming as a hobby is an inherently nostalgic one. The text of the games we played in childhood is often not as important as the personal meaning we place on those narratives in memory, and how they came to help us see the world. Last year, Boss Fight Books...
CLICK HERE FOR KICKSTARTER Growing up I was team Sega and was in love with the Sega Genesis. I still play the classics like Altered Beast and Golden Axe. Coming soon there will be a new Sega Genesis game on the market for 2024. It is called ZPF. I was fortunate enough...
An important foundational aspect of retro gaming as a hobby is the nostalgia factor. Which is to say, how we remember the games we played as kids informs much of our appreciation of them in the present day. Even when, as it happens, our memories are completely wrong....
It’s crazy to think that it’s been over a decade since Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Getting a ton of attention from new gamers since the Amazon Prime streaming show was released, all of a sudden a new generation wants to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas. In this...
In continuation of the company’s modern revision of classic video game consoles, Analogue brings the Analogue Pocket, a beautiful handheld that pays an incredible homage to the Game Boy. Analogue’s portable is more than just a remake, though, as it has many features...
I’ll never forget the first time I played Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, a Ghosts ‘n Goblins spinoff developed by the US-based Capcom Digital Studios and released for the PS2 in February of 2002 (December of 2001 in Japan). It was the summer of 2002, and I booted it up in...