Late last year MyArcade/DreamGear released a series of three mini arcade games (with more hopefully in the works). MyArcade sent Old School Gamer the full set to review. These mini arcade games are shaped and housed inside a 6” plastic cabinet reminiscent of arcade...
A long time ago, in a…. wait, wrong movie…Another video game documentary has surfaced, but what is nice is that it’s not about competition or egos. And I do want to point out that egos are NOT a bad thing during competition. All the people that I have been...
The original NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), or Famicom in Japan, is one of the most popular gaming system ever made, and, as a result, is the most written about console system. There are dozens of books about the system, it’s games, it’s re-release as a Mini...
Consoles When any sort of new technology is made available for public consumption, there’s a portion of the population that will resist it and a portion that will embrace it wholeheartedly. Consumers of video games are no different in this regard. 1991 was a couple of...
Sunny Southern California is the scene, specifically Pomona, CA, which seems to be the home of so many great things for the retro gaming community: Hyperkin, RetroBit, and the Retro City Festival. This event in mid- January (moving to the first weekend of January in...
Flying at 30000 feet and I am bored. My laptop won’t fit in my lap and my PSP Vita died. And I can’t surf. I can only type on my iPad. Whee…. Ryan is sitting next to me as we are heading to Las Vegas to the 2018 CES and he was reading and gave me something to...