Video Games Monthly is a monthly subscription service that delivers video games to gamers who own classic gaming systems from the 1980’s-2000’s. Play the past into the future! OSG: Can you tell us about the origins of Video Games Monthly? VGM: The concept actually...
Growing up, I wanted to be an archeologist. Not a real archeologist mind you. I wanted to be Indiana Jones. I wanted to carry a whip, wear a leather jacket, and travel the world searching for rare (and possibly cursed) historical items. I even built a museum of...
Crazy special effects that make you feel like you’re in a virtual reality movie. Big (bigger! biggest!) budgets! A-list movie stars and directors! Summer blockbuster season is officially here. Beyond the traditional summer movie fare of superheroes and sequels...
Late last year MyArcade/DreamGear released a series of three mini arcade games (with more hopefully in the works). MyArcade sent Old School Gamer the full set to review. These mini arcade games are shaped and housed inside a 6” plastic cabinet reminiscent of arcade...
A long time ago, in a…. wait, wrong movie…Another video game documentary has surfaced, but what is nice is that it’s not about competition or egos. And I do want to point out that egos are NOT a bad thing during competition. All the people that I have been...
The original NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), or Famicom in Japan, is one of the most popular gaming system ever made, and, as a result, is the most written about console system. There are dozens of books about the system, it’s games, it’s re-release as a Mini...