W elcome to another installment of a column dedicated exclusively to Old School Gamers and Old School Games from the Golden Age of gaming. These gamers, back in the day, had to physically use a coin or token to start a video game. The earning of these coins was mostly...
Having gone from a loose concept to a nicely playing game, where do I go from here? I set out to create a feast for the eyes and ears! I came to Atari with a bachelor’s in Mathematics, Economics and Theatre as well as a master’s in Computer Engineering. Most people...
Jeff Masser of Chicago, Illinois is a proud father and honorable veteran. He’s also an incredibly enthusiastic videogame collector with a fondness for the three-decade old TurboGrafx-16, a game console that’s notoriously expensive to collect for these days. Called PC...
Following the success of the NES Classic in 2016. we’ve seen the SNES Classic, the forgettable PlayStation Classic and the well- received Genesis Mini. Although these gaming machines are referred to as dedicated consoles, they are not derived from the early ‘70s...
“Hey!” shouted a cheerful voice from a truck stopped in the middle of Ottumwa, Iowa’s bustling East Main Street…“Where can I finda video game arcade around here?” Two men, precariously perched on two tall ladders in front of a modest storefront, swung around and...
Two of my favorite action puzzlers are on the Super Nintendo: Tetris Attack and Zoop. Both are dynamic, fun, and easy to pick up and play for gamers of all ages. You can get a complete copy of Tetris Attack for around $20 ($10 cartridge only) and a complete copy of...