About a month ago, I decided I was finally going to learn how to skateboard. I had a skateboard as a kid, but I never learned how to use it. The most I did was use it as a luge down the hill near my house. Now, I’m learning how to use my board properly. Mostly, that...
By the beginning of 1989, the Nintendo Entertainment System already had a plethora of platforming titles available, but none of them had evolved the genre as much as one title in particular. Just a few short months into 1989, Ninja Gaiden set itself apart from other...
Late at night, I often lay in bed pondering the deep, unanswerable questions of life: Why are we here? What does it all mean? And why would someone decide to make a video game based off Purina’s Chuck Wagon line of dog food? First, a little background is necessary. In...
Kids these days don’t know how good they’ve got it. Why, back in the olden days, our programming was so rudimentary it was literally called BASIC. We didn’t have any of these fancy MMORPGs. No sir. When we wanted to play a video game we played things like Paper Boy,...
Billy Chaser and Jay Hunter travel all over Texas and beyond, far from their homes in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, searching for electronic artifacts housed in plastic— and people can’t get enough of their quests. Chaser and Hunter host The Game Chasers, a...
One of my most distinctive childhood memories: I woke up before sunrise on a Saturday morning. It was raining. To be more specific, there was freezing rain pelting the windows. I turned on the television. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was playing. Not the crappy...