Stan Lee was an entertainment titan. His creations have touched every conceivable realm of entertainment. It’s difficult to wrap your arms around the scale of it. When I try to reach for comparisons, only the name Walt Disney comes to mind. His mark on the video game...
It’s been awhile since I played a video game so long that my fingers ached when I finally set the controller down, but such was the case with the new Spider-Man game developed by Insomniac Games for the PlayStation 4. With an open world and an array of missions and...
Sometimes it’s fun to sit and try to imagine the pitch meeting for various products. Picture a group of executives and game designers sitting around a boardroom when the following conversation takes place: “So, we’ve had huge hits with Adventure and Space Invaders....
There’s nothing like a good mash-up: Abraham Lincoln and vampires or Fruit Loops and quesadillas are just two of the most obvious examples. So, why wouldn’t there be a mash-up of zombies and samurai? More specifically, why wouldn’t you have a mash-up of zombies and a...
For as long as people have been gathering together, they have been telling stories. From the folktales told around the fireplace to the multi-million dollar blockbusters seen at the movies today, stories have always been a part of the human experience. Stories are...
The Atari 2600 produced many classic titles: Joust, Yars Revenge, Adventure, Super Breakout, and more. They were brilliant games that have become part of the pop culture lexicon. They played an integral part in countless childhoods. While I’m sure you could find...