A few weeks ago, I was reading the remarkable short story collection “Press Start to Play”, edited by Daniel H. Wilson and John Joseph Adams. The book centers around the world video games and gaming. One of the stories, “Desert Walk” by S.R. Mastrantone, particularly...
Outside of his work delivering toys to the children of the world, it is fairly common knowledge that Santa Claus is something of a superhero. Don’t believe me? Then clearly you’ve never seen 1964’s classic film “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.” Stop everything you...
The Strong Museum of Play in downtown Rochester, NY was opened originally in 1982 housing toys, dolls, games and more, starting with the collection of Margaret Woodbury Strong. It is the home of the National Toy Hall of Fame and the International Center for the...
The holidays are a special time, a season for family, warm fires, and (as we explored last week) lemmings. However, lemmings are not the only small, fuzzy animal to be featured in a holiday video game. Far from from it! The jackrabbit is also a member of that elite...
Since the dawn of video games, there have been seemingly endless efforts made to bring the pastime we all enjoy to a more mainstream audience: television, comic books, movies, music, and more. But one method that’s been around for nearly as long as the medium itself...
It’s the holiday season and I haven’t written about a Commodore game in a bit, so let’s mash the two things together, shall we? When you think of beloved holiday traditions, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Directing a herd of lemmings to safety through a...