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The blood-curdling scream of one of your friends tears through the halls of the Barrows mansion like a sonic boom. The sound startles you so bad that you lose your footing and smash face-first into the mansion floor. Fearing that you could be the next person exercising your lungs, you reach for the windowsill for leverage and return to your feet. You hear the scream again, but this time you know precisely where it’s coming from. As you look out the window that you just used for a brace, you see your friend thrown from a second-story window, shred into pieces as the falling glass accompanies her trip to the ground. With a loud thump, you quickly realize two things: there is no way your friend survived the fall, and now you are the only person left alive in this hellish place. The twisted monster that is killing your friends will be looking for you next… how will you survive? The clock is ticking.

Released in 1995 by Human Entertainment for the Super Famicom, Clock Tower is a point and click adventure game unlike anything seen before on a console. Players will explore the Barrows family’s homestead and look for a way to escape from it, all while being hunted down by a disgusting looking figure….

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