Demon Attack: The Next Wave and Atlantis: A City Rebuilt are the first entry in what we call the Classics Reimagined for the ColecoVision, Coleco Adam and CollectorVision systems.
Two reimaginings of classic games on one cartridge for the ColecoVision Video Game System.
These are games that for one reason or another were never available on the ColecoVision platform. We at 8 Bit Milli Games, studied the various versions of the games on different platforms, picked out the best concepts and added others that improved on the game and bring out what the ColecoVision is capable of.
Demon Attack was originally available on the Atari 2600, Intellivision and other platforms 40 years ago but was never made for the ColecoVision. We have reimagined the game using the best ideas from all platforms, the speed of the 2600, the graphics of the Intellivision and others systems. We then added our own twists to increase the challenge: new demons, new attack patterns and multiple skill levels.
Atlantis was also available the same systems 40 years ago as Demon Attack but again not for the ColecoVision. For our version we relied heavily on the Intellivision version for the game play and look and feel as well as adding more twists to make the game more exciting.
Both of these games are written from scratch in 100% assembly language and include full color sprites, sound and smooth animation. Both games come on one cartridge, Classics Reimagined Volume 1.
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