The original Magic Knight Rayearthhas the dubious honor of being the last game released for the Sega Saturn in North America. Published in late 1998, the game was translated to English by Working Designs, a company known to RPG fans for their great packaging design and their history of bringing RPGs to the Western shores that would otherwise have never been given a chance. Magic Knight Rayearth proved to be a challenging project for the company due to the amount of translating, compiling lost source code, and redubbing the anime cutscenes featured in the game. Initially released in Japan in 1995, it took Working Designs almost three years to bring a translated version to store shelves.
One day during a Junior High School eld trip to Tokyo Tower, three young girls nd themselves magically transported to the Kingdom of Ce ro. A er plum- me ng to the ground in this strange new world, they are quickly greeted by the Kingdom’s lead magician, Clef. The great mage tells them that they were sum- moned by the Princess of Ce ro to save her and the world from the evil Zagat. With no way home without defea ng Zagat and saving the Princess, the girls em- brace their des ny as magic knights and begin their adventure to save Ce ro. The story itself is presented in an anime format and, as such, presents your typical anime story tropes. Almost all the characters in the game have voiceovers and the English dub, while not fantas c, stands above several other English-dubbed games in quality during the 32-bit console genera on. If turn-based ba le RPGs disinterest you, you may want to give Magic Knight Rayearth a chance, since it’s considered an ac on RPG.
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