Rob Fulop is a writer and game programmer who was chiefly responsible for some of the Atari 2600’s biggest hits, such as 1982’s enormously successful Demon Attack. He also worked on Night Driver (1978) and Missile Command (1981).
Rob Fulop is the co-founder of Imagic and PF Magic.
Mr. Fulop joined Jim Combs and Video Game Trader TV for our Halloween special. This is an edited transcript of the complete interview.
VGT: How did you get started in the video game industry and where has it taken you through the years.
Fulop: I was a Junior in college at the University of California, Berkley in 1979. I had gone to the Job Board and found a job doing sound effects in pinball games for a company that I had never heard about before… Atari. I got an interview and they actually hired me on the spot, which never really made any sense to me since I didn’t have any real experience. But I was very into to games and basically the video game business for the whole ride.
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