For those who played Shoot 1UP when it was originally released on Steam and Xbox 360, there may seem like little reason to pick the game up on the Nintendo Switch. In this exclusive list, we here at Old School Gamer let you know why it may be the best Shooter on the Switch today, or the best Shooter you haven’t played, yet.
Enhanced Visuals: The original game looked great, but it looks even better on the Switch.
Two-Player Local Co-Op: This is exactly what makes the Switch a special console. The Co-Op is fast and fierce and get docked and just as much fun on the small screen.
Up to 30 Ships Simultaneously: The action in Shoot 1UP DX gets extremely frenetic.
New Levels and New Enemies: For those who bested the original, the new features are more than an incentive for another purpose, they make the game feel fresh and new.
Action 60 Frames a Second: There aren’t many shooters on the Switch that can push the console as hard as Shoot 1UP. And while it looks good, it feels and responds even better.
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