There are a ton of comic book-inspired video games out there, so many in fact that it’s easy to miss one, even if it’s featuring one of your favorite characters. In this exclusive Old School Gamer list, we share five games you definitely need to revisit, even if they don’t have the best reputation online.
Silver Surfer: Just for the music alone, this is a NES classic. The Angry Video Game Nerd tore it to shred because it’s one of the hardest games on the console and the fan boys will dismiss it because of that, but if you’re a hardcore gamer, it absolutely deserves a try.
Spawn Armageddon: Away from his appearances in Soul Calibur, this is the best Spawn game to date. While it’s far from perfect, it’s a solid beat-em-up that incorporates a good chunk of the Spawn story and his wide range of abilities.
Spider-Man: There first Spider-Man game on the Sega Genesis may be the first great one based on the wall crawler. An homage to games the likes of Shinobi and Ninja Gaiden, it also had a great story and absolutely made you feel like the Forrest Hills based super hero.
Justice League Heroes: This came out right around the same time as the uber popular X-Men Legends series and that hurt its sales, but overall, if you’re a fan of these characters and games in the Baldur’s Gate series, this is a wonderful adventure to go on.
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction: There are a plethora of awful Hulk-based games out there. This may be the best game on this list. Hulk’s powers in a sandbox gameplay mechanic are heaven. Nuff said.
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