Midnight Magic – The game that brought it all back for me.
I remember when I first saw this game for the Atari 2600. It was on clearance at a video store in one of our local malls. Having played the game of the same name for the Apple back in the early 80’s, I thought it would be fun, but I did not pick it up at that time as I was not yet aware of the classic video game collector that was
brewing inside me.
It is now the late 80’s and my Atari 2600 had been sitting in my closet for about 5 years. I was slowly becoming more interested in video gaming again thanks to a game called Alien Crush for the TurboGrafx-16. Alien Crush was the funkiest looking video pinball game I had ever seen, but the TG-16 was priced at $200 and came with a really lame game called “Keith Courage in Alpha Zones.” At the time, I was starting a family and could not justify spending $200 + $60 just to play the latest and greatest video pinball game. So what did I do? I decided that my trusty old Atari 2600 should come out of hibernation. I had seen other games I liked sitting right next to Midnight Magic and snatched up the ones that I thought would be fun. At the prices they were selling them for, I couldn’t go wrong, especially when you compared them to the prices of games for the current systems. I think I paid $1 each for Midnight Magic and Ghostbusters that day. – Read the rest of the article here from Classic Gamer Magazine (courtesy of Old School Gamer)!
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