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You know, I’ve had a lot of different jobs in my life. I’ve been a construction worker, a dishwasher, a CFD retardant loader, a municipal maintenance worker, a computer programmer, and an inventory clerk at a Metal Shop. At one time though, I had the best job in the world in the world: I was the Managing Editor of Game Players magazine. I finally realized that the old adage of “Do a job that you love, and you’ll never work a day of your life” could actually be true.

For two years I had a seat on the greatest roller coaster ever; we turned out a truly original magazine with accurate reviews and lots of humor and had a blast doing it. I’m going to take you for a ride on that coaster in this article, but first I have to teach you some history.

According to the Game Players wiki, Game Players started out in Greensboro, NC, at a company called Signal Research when it was founded by Robert C. Lock in 1989. Financial troubles closed that company, and it was revived by an investment group known as GP Publications, with the intention of being sold. A year later, GP publications was purchased by Future Publishing UK (mainly for Game Players) as an entry into the North American media publishing field. The rest is, uh… history…

Read the rest of this article on page 8 by clicking here!



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