My interest in the GameShell began when I heard about it back in November 2017, right as Old School Gamer was in its infancy. I often find myself backing many retro gaming related products that I see popping up on crowdfunding sites, especially on Kickstarter, which was also the case then. At around $149, this is a handheld gaming unit running on a variant of Linux that looks like an original Gameboy in size and feel. But what is different about this is that you are assembling it yourself. I’ll tell you, I thoroughly enjoyed going through the experience. It took me about 90 minutes to complete it, and, incredibly, it worked the first time I turned it on.
It comes as a modular system including a mainboard, keypad, screen, battery and speaker, with outer shell pieces, wires and buttons needing to be assembled as well. It came in fantastic packaging, way beyond what I expected, and very well organized. The instructions were well done and easy to follow, making the construction of the GameShell unit an enjoyable experience. The pieces were well labeled, and I only found myself scratching my head once on a set of interconnect cables between the units. Once I looked it up, it was obvious which went where. Unlike similar products that I’ve tried to put together, this requires no soldering or worrisome assembly. Everything can be undone if you don’t like the way it comes together. The only part that I really spent any time on tweaking was the way the cables ran between the various modules and inside the main shell.
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Also check out the review for the Game-O-Tron By Todd Friedman
With the world today moving toward 3-D printing tech- nology, there are a number of items that have been created from this excellent creative tool. Video games are no exception. With that, I’d like to Introduce the Game-O-Tron, created by Giando Sigurani, of Beaverton, Oregon.
This fully functional portable game console is definitely a creative and unique way of playing games. Giando created an Etsy page where he sells the Game-O-Tron. Before he began this idea, he created an item called the Write-O-Tron, which is
a fully functional word processor made from a 3-D printer placed in a portable wooden case. Giando’s passion is writing, so this idea of the Write-O-Tron was an exciting spring- board for him. One
day, when he noticed he had many extra parts lying around, he thought of building a portable game system in the same fashion as the word processor. He taught himself CAD modeling and made his own design from the bottom up.
Read the rest of this article on page 51 by clicking here!
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