Nintendo revealed that they are adding a wide number of Nintendo 64 titles to Nintendo Switch Online, including the much anticipated GoldenEye.
Their Nintendo Direct which streamed at 15:00 GMT announced the coming of GoldenEye for Nintendo Switch featuring Online Play allowing you to play with friends for the first time in many years.
It was rumoured it would eventually come to Nintendo Switch, and even though you’ll need Nintendo Switch Online to access it, it’s still a very welcome addition that we can’t help but get excited about.
Nintendo revealed very little information about it including “it’s coming soon”. So if we had to guess it’s likely to be released before Christmas, but it’s anyones guess.
This is a great strategy for Nintendo do increase their monthly signups over the festive period, but no official release has been announced as of yet for GoldenEye.
Not only that, they revealed more of the best N64 games that are releasing for their Online members over the next many months.
The games announced today are:
- 007 GoldenEye
- PilotWings 64
- Mario Party
- Mario Party 2
- Mario Party 3
- Pokemon Stadium
- Pokemon Stadium 2
- 1080
- ExciteBike 64
You can get a Nintendo Switch Online 7 day trial for free, so we advise doing that when GoldenEye launches, and then if you’re happy with the new addition you can pay £3.49 for unlimited access to their retro library.
As much as Nintendo quickly went over this announcement, it’s a big one for sure. The games added are incredible and will easily make many retro gamers happy over the coming months when released.
It’s great that they are not leaving these games in the dust, they deserve all of the attention they can get.
Refernces by: Brandon Saltalamacchia of
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