The first time I encountered a Game Boy was not long after it came out. My family lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1989. Our friends were mostly Americans who attended an international school with us. Although video game systems and handhelds were not easily available to us in Argentina proper, we would get those magnificent severalhundred-page JCPenney catalogs and pick out video games that way. There were no places to rent games; aside from magazines like Nintendo Power, the only way we’d see new games was to play them at a friend’s house or visit an arcade. Even the arcade games were often out of date; seeing titles like Commando (1985) or Ghosts ‘n Goblins (1985) alongside Operation Wolf (1987) was not uncommon.
For whatever reason, my family didn’t get a Game Boy until 1995. We had a three-hour round-trip car ride planned to visit a family friend for Thanksgiving. Although my sister Natali and I could read in the car without getting carsick, that would only entertain us for so long. Mom decided to surprise us with a Game Boy to share on the trip, along with an eclectic selection….
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