Now for my next review, I’d like to return to the classics. If you go back to where it all started with video games, well you’ve gone too far. But never forget where it did start. No, I am talking about the one game that made my eyes go wide and sparkle, my hands shake back and forth, and my reflexes tested to the best of their ability, at that age. I am talking about Space Invaders. This is the one game that, if you talk to video game enthusiasts, somewhere in the conversation, this game would be brought up. And thanks to iiRcade, it’s being brought up again in full force!
In 2021, when iiRcade announced Space Invaders was coming to the iiRcade, everyone lost their minds. But the next question that got everyone asking was, when? When was this classic going to be released and why was it taking so long? The first question was never really answered. But the second one did get more of an explanation.
Taito, the distributor of Space Invaders, worked very closely with iiRcade to make sure that every detail of the game was covered to ensure the best conversion of the game. From the sound of the aliens going back and forth, to the look and feel of the original, the goal is to replicate everything. In the meantime, we waited and kept getting other titles. But in the end, the wait was worth it.
This is the first time my childhood flashbacks at the arcade came back in full force. There are a lot of replicated versions of this game, but I am sorry to say that they just don’t match up to the iiRcade version. Let’s just start with the graphics.
From the time that the game loads up, it matches everything that you know and love from the original, but with a hint of more. This game doesn’t just come with the standard black and white original 1978 version. This game will give you options to choose from, and not just at the beginning of the game but throughout the game on the fly moment. You are able to change the background to show the classic arcade bezel, the green base blockers and the color version. I lost several games while switching back and forth with the push of a controller button. The screen and the graphics changed so quickly without interrupting the gameplay at all.
But let’s talk about the actual game control for a moment as well. Yes, the iiRcade is trademarked for having an outstanding Sanwa arcade stick control. And they should! So the movement of your gunner is completely smooth. The firing button is also very well responsive. Just as responsive as the actual arcade control. However, there are some people who miss playing the game like the original version with the left and right button.
Problem solved. The iiRcade setup two of the buttons to allow you to play classic mode to get you in every mood of playing in the 70’s. Every mark of the controlling was hit just right. The button controlling is just as smooth as witjh the Sanwa joystick.
Then there is the sound. Yes, the sound back then was pretty lame, and the only way they could catch your attention was by turning it up and not ruining the speakers. Again, thanks to the iiRcade, the sound makes the game more intense as the aliens are going back and forth. And the second the ufo starts to fly across, anticipation starts to kick in. This game was played on the original iiRcade. I can ONLY imagine what type of impact the sound is on an iiRcade GOLD with JBL speakers. But the speakers I have, are still awesome enough.
Space Invaders is a MUST have for anyone who has an iiRcade machine. I can’t emphasize how much I highly recommend it. It is a perfect addition to anyone’s game library. The only downside to this game was the wait time to get it out. However, this must be kept in mind for this or ANY game that is due to come out or is delayed. Rome wasn’t built in a day, Babies aren’t born an hour later, and bread doesn’t rise in 5 seconds…except in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
The point is, Jong and his team are perfectionists! They want to make sure that everything is done and done correctly. They also want the blessings of the companies that originally make the games. And for that, some things are well worth the wait!
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