Yes, iIRcade has created a couple different model designs and released them, gave away some hats, shirts, sweatshirts, and other swag. That should be enough for us; we are ready for the next product… Actually, not quite. With some companies, a product is released and then they move on, but not iiRcade. While they are currently working on the release
of the Gold edition machines, they are also working on adding little touches to the original classic that was released a year and a half ago. Coming soon to not only the iiRcade Gold,
but the iiRcade classic, will be the ability to add extra arcade
control accessories.
The new initiative will allow the use of off-the-shelf gaming accessories that are compatible with iiRcade devices using two USB controller attachment ports underneath the front of the control deck area on the new Gold Editions and Bluetooth connectivity for the Classic and Gold Editions of iiRcade. At launch, trackballs, and spinners compatible with the system will be the…
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