It is a time to celebrate on Indie Retro News, as not only have we hit a huge milestone in views reaching a staggering 30+ million website hits which doesn’t include Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, but we are also celebrating around 11 years of the creation of the website! A website that doesn’t just feature indie games, but also retro games for systems such as……. The Atari 8bit, Atari 2600/5200, Atari ST, Amiga, Amstrad, C64/128, C16 Plus/4, DOS, Sega Mega Drive, NES, SNES, Sega Mega Drive and many others all available in the tagged listing to your left!

Coming full circle from announcing the C64 version of Sam’s Journey to the NES version!
Nearly every day apart from most weekends I have achieved my goal to fill the page with as many eye opening games as possible so you the reader have a smile on your face every time you visit the website. All without ADS or nasty pop ups, that some sites prefer to use! So I’ll end this off by saying not just a thank you to those that support us by any means possible (even just visiting or leaving a nice comment), but also to those of you who share our latest news through Facebook, Twitter, Twitch(Amiga Bill/Pintz N Amiga, Hayesmaker), Youtube (Saberman, Per Ola Eriksson) or via word of mouth! Seriously, I’m so grateful to all of you, words cannot express how I feel even though the toughest of times!
So have a good one friends, here’s a salute to you!
Indie Retro News Indie Retro News (352 Posts)

Indie Retro News is a cool independent publisher that we found in our own surfing of cool retro gaming sites. They have given us permission to publish their articles on our site after they hit theirs first. Check out more on Indie Retro News at