Back in 1998, a small California cabinet making company called LAZER-TRON partnered with computer software developer id Software to bring high-end PC gaming into the arcade. Teaming up with Opus Entertainment and LBE Systems, the troop attempted to stir up the arcade industry. The new model proposed integrating high-end PC systems, generally out-of-reach and unavailable in the majority of homes, to be integrated into arcade cabinets for multi-player arcade play for everyone.
While LAZER-TRON did create custom cabinets branded QUAKE A.T.E., the game was primarily marketed as a conversion kit for commercial arcade operators to bring new life to tired and underperforming arcade machines. Change the marquee, add a new control panel, stuff a powerful PC into the base and “voilà” a brand-spank-ing-new coin earner!
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