Late last year MyArcade/DreamGear released a series of three mini arcade games (with more hopefully in the works). MyArcade sent Old School Gamer the full set to review. These mini arcade games are shaped and housed inside a 6” plastic cabinet reminiscent of arcade standup machines and currently offer Karate Champ, Bad Dudes and BurgerTime.
There are a significant number of mini- games coming out in this arcade-style cabinet, along with plug-and-play style, and mini units like the NES, Atari Flashback, and others. For many manufacturers, it appears the primary issue is determining which company owns the license for that game and acquiring the license. While I played with all three of them for quite some time, by far I spent the most time with BurgerTime, as that’s what attracted me to them in the first place. Read the rest of the article here from Old School Gamer
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