The Neo Geo Pocket Color’s failure always seemed odd. Sure, it was up against the Game Boy, the certifiable big handheld in town for its entire existence, but how could such a well-made device with barely a single bad game only snatch a reported 2% of the handheld market in North America
from Nintendo’s grasp? It was not a console doomed from lack of effort, but a failure of marketing, the windfall of a company’s bankruptcy, and, perhaps most frustratingly, a design ethos both stuck in the past and too cutting edge for its own good.
SNK games outshone the competition in many ways, so it was a bit confusing when they entered the handheld scene in 1998 and were a step behind Nintendo’s Game Boy Color at the starting line. SNK began its life in 1973, but didn’t release a game, Ozma Wars, until 1979. Their output was focused…
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