We at Old School Gamer love a good book about video games, just like how we love putting out Old School Gamer for you! In this issue we have two new books to talk about that we have enjoyed over the last couple of months: one while traveling to cons as is the case with Bible Adventures from Boss Fight Books. And in the case of The Game Console: A Photographic History from Atari to X-Box, written and photographed by Evan Amos, while sitting on the couch as snow took over Iowa for a few days in January. Read the rest of the article here from Old School Gamer!
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Also read the review on The Game Console: A Photographic History From Atari to Xbox By Evan Amos.
Also in this area, is the conclusion of the article on Driver and Driver 2 that was continued from page 12.
And finally is the start of the Super Nintendo Pricer which is presented by Procecharting.com for our Collector Info section.
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