Although I first began playing video games on my cousin’s Atari Pong in 1975 and on my friends’ Fairchild Channel F systems in 1976 (both my next-door neighbor and another buddy a mile
away had a Channel F – crazy!), the first console I actually owned was a ColecoVision, which I received for Christmas in 1982. Along with the pack-in title Donkey Kong, I was thrilled to get Mouse Trap under the tree, a game I enjoyed at the Land of Oz in the local mall. I was also excited to play Carnival at home, another favorite from the arcade. However, the other eight games on this list were new discoveries for me on the ColecoVision, which excelled in bringing arcade obscurities to home players. Here are 5 must-have obscure (and relatively obscure) coin-op ports for every ColecoVision fan, all published and developed by Coleco.
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