One hour east to go, and the road was wide open – it was relaxing and nervous, like Easy Rider meets Gilda Radner. We were inching our way toward Ann Arbor, MI behind an endless racetrack of travelers, and trapped in our own thoughts. The mental confinement didn’t last long. “I can NOT believe the new Meijer’s logo,” Jess sighed. Glancing at the truck we were passing, I noticed what was possibly the most nondescript “unique identifier” I’ve ever seen. And that would be the metaphor for the day. It was the most uniquely average day that you could have.
Jess Regan (“ManekiNeko” in the Digital Press forums), my wife and I (“larsoncc”) were headed to a video game meet up in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The folks in the Atari Age and Digital Press forums decided that
it would be a good idea to have everyone meet at a gigantic arcade called Pinball Pete’s. The organizers, known to most as “Achika” and “Mr. Food Monster,” rallied the troops in their respective forums, while I mostly watched from the sidelines.
Read the rest of this article on page 24 by clicking here
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