Page 5 - Old School Gamer Magazine Issue #43 FREE Edition
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 The Editor
Bill Donohue did a 13-year stint as Managing Editor for Game Players, UGP and PSM magazines. He created Gazuga and The Cleansing. He composed the ultimate Super Bomberman 2 anthem - (He Ain’t Got) “No Boot.” My dog, Maya, is getting smarter. Now she comes up and nudges me exactly at 4 AM, 8 AM and 1 PM for food. I reckon she’ll be driving the truck to the Grub & Jug pretty soon...
8-Bit Steve has been an absolute fanatic for the NES since he first set eyes on it in 1986. Steve has completed over half the NES library, is ranked #1 for high scores on the NES.
Eugenio Angueira has contributed retro game and system articles to the Retro Video Gamer forum (he is also an administrator), The Retro Gaming Times, and more.
Derek Blaha is the owner of Malice Media, LLC. He will make his video game debut as a playable character in OutBreak: Shades of Horror.
Matt Bradley-Tschirgi is an author based out of Portland, Oregon. His books include Star Trek Video Games: An Unofficial Guide to the Final Frontier.
Ryan Burger is the Publisher of Old School Gamer. He’s an avid gamer, a dedicated hus- band, father, and teacher and an all-around good guy! He didn’t write this...
Bill Donohue is the Editor of OSG, which means he gets his icon on this page twice... but he’s worth it. Just think of him as a human “Ren...” You bloated sack!!!
Todd Friedman is heavily involved in the retro gaming community and has co-promoted the Video Game Summit in Chicago, IL for the past 16 years.
Patrick Hickey Jr. is the author of The Minds Behind the Games book series, as well as the writer for the Condrey comic books. Both series are available on Amazon.
Tristan Ibarra is a retro gamer, collector, and author of The Video Game Console Collector’s Field Guide. Contractor by day & graphic de- signer for Premium Edition.
Jarrod Kailef is a computer network engineer, retro gamer, and the founder of Epic Rock Ra- dio. He moonlights as a video game developer and martial arts instructor.
Brian Lesyk is a life-long video game collector, archivist, and historian. He’s been a frequent contributor to multiple video game books and publications.
Matt Owen is an lifelong gamer and overall media fiend. He can often be found playing endless hours of games or watching movies and TV. Matt also enjoys attempting to cook.
Jeremy Parish has been writing loving missives about the NES since the days when you could still find the console and its games at retail.
Anthony Ripo’s hands have held game controllers since he was six, and he has played the best (and worst) consoles in gaming history over the last four decades.
Chris Tang is the voice of competitive
Tetris. Chris is also known for his design work on the Street Fighter, Primal Rage, and
Tetris franchises.
Michael Thomasson is one of the most respected videogame historians in the field today. He also authored Downright Bizarre Games and nearly a dozen textbooks.
Gunther Vinson’s passion for retro video games has led him to create Uplayarcade. com and Host of Old School Gamer LIVE, this magazine’s Podcast.

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