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RetroAchievements Put a Modern Spin on Classic games
The evolution of video games has brought about controversial additions like constant online connectivity and battle passes, but some of these newer features are actually quite good. Take for instance the modern achievement system, popularized in 2005 with the release...
Defective $1000 Atari XP Carts; the State of Modern Atari | An Editorial
About two weeks ago, a user on X by the name of Cear Dragon posted that two of their limited AtariXP carts – Haunted House & Crystal Castles – were defective. Haunted House, he claimed, had the PCB inserted backwards and Crystal Castles, he said, was buggy and...
Lord of the Orb – XaVeR adds even more levels to a classic 1985 game by Antic Software
Here on Indie Retro News we do love writing about the Atari XL/XE, I mean seriously we can't stop featuring the latest games released for this system. Well here we are with another story sent to us by Saberman, and it's the latest new level update for the classic game...
Comparison of 2019 vs. 2024 Pac-Man | Basic Fun Arcade Classics AGAIN in 2024!
Basic Fun’s line of Arcade Classics tabletop video game toys were all the rage in the late teens, but new released evaporated around 2020 – or so we thought! Just in the past week, sightings of a new Pac-Man with a 2024 copyright and updated box art started to appear...
Video Game Trading Card Spotlight – Michael Thomasson
Interview from July 7th, 2017. Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Michael Thomasson who is displayed on card number 531, from the Twin Galaxies Superstars Collection of 2013. Michael is also featured on card number 670. Michael is one of the most widely...
Tetra Zone – A modern take on a classic WIP for the Commodore Amiga
If you've played the 1980's hit game of Tetris then you'll be pleased to know that as of this morning, we have been informed that you can now download Wei-ju Wu's WIP Commodore Amiga game of Tetra Zone. As in the words of the creator "a modern take on the best known...
Getting into the Holiday Spirit with Two Classic Games
As we all frantically get ready to celebrate, it’s difficult to avoid the seasonal bombardment of the usual yuletide media: Christmas music, Christmas films, Christmas-themed episodes of TV shows, and Christmas books to a much lesser extent. But what about...
A Very Hairy Christmas – A modern HD debut of Mr Hair for the PC by Langford Productions
We've just received word from our good friend Richard of Langford Productions, of a new PC game that has been released called 'A Very Hairy Christmas'. A game which doesn't just have nods to other classic games from the 80's such as Pac-Man and PSSST, but it's a...
Jersey Jack Pinball Reveals New “Pinball XP” Redemption System at IAAPA – UPDATED
This afternoon at its booth at this week's IAAPA amusement industry show in Orlando, Jersey Jack Pinball revealed its new "Pinball XP" ticket system for redemption arcades. According to the Company's founder Jack Guarnieri, "Redemption pinball was a dream of...
New Stranger Things Table from Zen Studios; Stern Improves Insider Connected App; New Spooky Logo
I have a couple of pinball odds and ends for everyone this afternoon. Let's start in the world of digital pinball. First off, I had no idea that Netflix includes 112 free phone apps with subscriptions to its video service. Apparently, one of these subscriptions...
Croco Folie – A tribute and celebration for the 40th birthday of the Amstrad CPC 464
Amstrad CPC owners if you're feeling a little left out, then worry not! As we've just found out through our emails and Twitter, that AYOR61 and team, who were also behind other games such as Missile Command, Octopus 21 and Midnight Streets. Has released the new arcade...
Rally Heroes in the Past to Save the Future in Stern Pinball and Marvel’s All-New “The Uncanny X-Men”!
[embedded content] [embedded content] Based on the legendary X-Men “Days of Future Past” and “Mind out of Time” comic book stories originally from 1981, players will experience the X-Men franchise like never before. CHICAGO, IL – September 20, 2024 – Today, Stern...
Old School Gamer Magazine Exclusive: Grady Hunt Talks MediEvil
Old School Gamer chats with former Sony Computer Entertainment producer Grady Hunt, who discusses the PS1 classic, Medieval. Old School Gamer: What was your role in the game? Grady Hunt: I was working at SCEA in the Product Development team, I was the Producer most...
Dangerous Toys We Shouldn’t Have Had
About This Episode We’re Generation X kids who grew up largely unsupervised and left to our own devices. That often resulted in “play” time being a bit rougher and more hazardous than those who grew up in later generations. In this Backtrack, we’re taking a stroll...
Battle for Cronos – A high quality turn based wargame for the Commodore 64 by Windigo Productions!
Fancy a game that doesn't just have a great starting soundtrack, a brilliant intro and turn based combat for up to 4 players? Then make sure to check out Windigo Productions latest Commodore 64 game of 'Battle for Cronos'. A game in which the creator says has epic...
Labyrinth – A Remake of the Commodore 64 game Labyrinth for the Amiga
Even though the Caffeine hasn't kicked in yet and I'm still half asleep, I thought I'd give quick a shout out to Kim Fastrup Larsen's new remake update of 'Labyrinth' for the Commodore Amiga. A game in which the developer says "is a remake of a Commodore 64 game...
A review of Shovel Knight from Boss Fight Books
No one can ever quite agree what really makes a video game retro. Ten years old used to be a good yardstick, but as time marches on, and ten years ago now includes the PlayStation 4, well, that's not generally a good definition. Strangely enough, though,...
Multimorphic Pinball – By Derek Blaha
Behind the doors of an unassuming building hidden away in an industrial complex in the heart of Texas lies one of the most creative and revolutionary pinball companies around. If you are a pinball fan and have never heard of Multimorphic, you’re missing out on a whole...
I was born in 1981, the same year that Jump Man and Donkey Kong had everyone over a barrel and shortly after Pac-Man gave everyone a certain fever. Back then, video games as an entertainment medium were in their infant years and still just a curiosity to most. The...
Forgotten Indie Games That Deserve to Be Remembered
With the holidays approaching, everyone is focused on the new games we want, but in this special post, we detail games that deserve to be remembered. Endless Midnight: Zombie Swarm: Jordan Trudgett’s independent game on the 360 Live Arcade was from a different era. In...
Civil War, Beelink Mini PC, & Cash Cow DX
About This Episode We head back to the theatre for latest kaiju team-up movie from Legendary pictures, check out a capable mini computer with a budget price that just might surprise you, and play a new arcade-style indie game featuring a cow with a pickaxe gathering...
Modern Retro Gaming – By Brian Lesyk
I remember reading a quote once by famed French novelist and literary critic Marcel Proust: “Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.” In that vein, our zeal for the experiences of yesteryear as gamers often unintentionally...
Atari 2600 Raiders of the Lost Ark – “Why did it have to be snakes?”
Raiders of the Lost Ark is an action-adventure game for the Atari 2600 released in 1982, based on the 1981 film of the same name. The game was designed by Howard Scott Warshaw. When the opportunity to write an Atari VCS game based on the film was offered at Atari,...
THE PRE-NINTENDO 64 WEEKEND – By The Jaded Gamer – Bill Donohue
suppose one of the greater delights one can experience when one gets older is bringing joy to the younger members of the family, because it not only brings fun and laughter to the younger ones; it also brings a warmth that is unlike any other feeling known to man to...