Those Arcade to Amiga conversions just keep on coming, as after just announcing the awesome game that is Rygar, along comes JOTD with his newest of creations of Pengo! Yes indeed this 1982 game by SEGA, which I had the pleasure of playing back in the day, is coming to the Amiga by the same creator who also did Super Xevious 1200 as well as the upcoming Galaxian 500 and Karate Champ. To coincide with this news, Saberman has done a short video of the Alpha version of the game being played.

Here is what JOTD said via the EAB post located (here). “Another project taking shape: Sega 1982 Pengo Never really ported properly except on megadrive & maybe C64. This time, this is a 1:1 arcade port using of course the original Z80 code that I reverse-engineered & transcoded to 68000. I started this project in 2010 after Bagman SDL Windows remake, wanting to do Pengo on SDL/Windows, but got tired of it. I dug out the work that I had one with the reverse-engineered code and it was really good specially in the A.I. section (the only part that interested me at the time). I tried to RE the game more, specially the mundane sections like text display, etc.. and something was running pretty quickly after converting to 68000 using my z80268k tool (like done for Galaxian).”

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