You certainly can’t discount the amount of money Konami has and still is making worldwide with its musical games like Dance Dance Revolution, as it has been one of the hottest things to play for years wherever arcade cabinets can be found. Much like how Street Fighter 2 clones emerged once Capcom’s one-on-one fighter hit extreme popularity, so did the Dance Dance Revolution clones. While many clones failed to bring anything unique to Konami’s simplistic but challenging gameplay, one clone stood tall: Pump It Up. Eventually, Pump It Up would grow famous in its home country and develop innovations through sequels that helped differentiate itself from Dance Dance Revolution.
The object of Pump It Up is to dance your way to a high score by hitting the steps on a dance pad or controller in
sync with the directional steps displayed on the screen. The more steps you hit in consecutive order, the higher your score will be. At this point, it would undoubtedly be easy to dismiss Pump It Up as a straight clone of Dance Dance Revolution, but the series does differentiate itself from DDR right from the get-go by changing the direction of its dance steps. Where DDR has you……
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