While the choice is there to still play the awesome remade version of Frogger for the C64 called ‘ Frogger Arcade ‘ by Hokuto Force (Digital Monastery). There’s another version come to light which you may be interested in playing, and that’s Lorenzo Di Gaetano’s latest project of RANA. Yes indeed if you loved playing the 1981 Konami classic or the remade version on the C64, then this game called RANA for the Commodore Amiga will suit you perfectly! To coincide with this news, Saberman has recently done a video of the game in action.

Here is what the Aminet page says about the game “RANA – Reckless Amphibian New Adventures. A Frogger clone for Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS. Written with love in full 68000 assembly for the Retroprogrammers Inside Gamedev Challenge. Wonderful music by Crain / Phaze101 and copyright ©2021 – Lorenzo Di Gaetano / Phaze101. Please note that the game in this version only supports joystick input and cannot be started without joystick emulation enabled in UAE or a physical joystick connected!”

UPDATE : We’ve been told this was from 2021, but was uploaded 2023-07-02! 😰

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