We have already covered the basics of the first Williams Collection and how awesome it is. Time for Volume 2. Once again, the collection grows for only $9. This time, we are looking at Black Rose, Party Zone, and Mars Attacks. Getting the older ones out of the way, I had never heard of Black Rose and Party Zone. But Party Zone reminded me a lot of Taxi and Funhouse. While it was fun to play, I didn’t play it much, I felt the same with Black Rose. I had never played it when it was originally in the arcades. And the fact that you are playing on a flat screen, occasionally I got a little disoriented and couldn’t find the ball. But it was a minor complaint. I still rocked on the Tournament.
But Mars Attacks was my go to game and I absolutely love it. When I play in the pinball league here in Des Moines, we play on the physical table, and when it’s not my turn, I am playing it on the Switch. It’s just that addictive type of game.
The graphics, sound, vibrations and ability to turn the 3-D graphics on and off are all there, just the same as the first volume. The tournament options are still there as well, with options to play the 1 Ball, 5 Minute, Survival Challenge and the Regular Rule Tournament.
My only wish is that Zen would release more classic table options for this game, and more frequently. It would definitely keep the interest going not only for the new games but for the existing ones as well. And with the price for new tables so low, it will be a match made in heaven for Pinball lovers. Read the rest of the article here from Old School Gamer!
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