The staff of Old School Gamer has possibly found a new home for keeping track of our console game collection online and we recommend you check them out! This dynamic site,, is built utilizing an amazing database that can do so many things. I can easily see it becoming the industry standard, much like became for vinyl/tape/cd collecting, if they are able to convert and obtain some new users to manage their collections.
Armin Hierstetter, my contact at Retroplace, tells me that there “simply is no great marketplace out there that is dedicated to (retro) video games. There is eBay and Amazon, of course, but their commissions are way too high. Also, those platforms are not dedicated to gamer’s needs and putting stuff up for sale is way too time consuming. Retroplace changes all of that. Because the database “knows” the vast majority of games already, putting up a game for sale is a matter of a minute. The process is way smarter than Amazon or eBay.”
When selling your extra games, they only charge a 7% fee, while sites like Amazon can charge up to 15-20% of the final sales price. They have also built in an API (Application Program Interface) for sellers that will hopefully become very successful, as I know that stores are going to be very interested in working with their system.
Read the rest of this article on page 18 by clicking here!
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