The first time I walked into the Arkadia, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was packed… there had to be at least 100 people in the place. Now, usually in this sort of situation, I’m not very comfortable. I’m not usually a fan of large crowds, but this time, it felt like I was time-warped back to 1989. The sounds, the excitement, the atmosphere… all unmistakable memories that I hold dear… all being reenacted in front of my eyes. The best part? I had decided to take my daughter with me, and she was experiencing this as well… something I had hoped to be able to show her one day.
As we walked into Arkadia, I could instantly see kids running from game to game, some focused on a high score, some simply there to hang out with their friends. The place has multiple rows of cabinets collected into groups by manufacturer and type; the kicker is every cabinet is original, all with CRT monitors! The symphony of arcade beeps and boops and the screams of agony from a hard-earned defeat made me excited to start checking out what games were available.
I noticed that the PAC-MAN row was packed, with a line waiting to try their hand at the Original PAC-MAN and Ms. PAC-MAN, which is still one of the most popular…
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