Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Developer: Ubisoft Chengdu, Publisher: Ubisoft
Format: Digital Download, Platforms: PS3, Xbox 360
Cost: $10/800 points
Reviewed by: Scott Marriott
Inspired by both the graphic novel series and Universal Pictures film, the video game version of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a throwback to such calloused-thumb classics as Double Dragon and River City Ransom. The pixelated visuals, thick characters, and energetic soundtrack are all reminiscent of the 8-bit era, albeit with a modern-day sheen. While the retro-themed presentation is a knowing nod to the past, the action itself feels dated. Nearly all of the beat-em-up genre’s faults are included in the game, perhaps in a misguided attempt to be “authentic.”
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