Move over James Bond, there is a new secret agent to save the day!
Be warned that the CIA agent in question, Roy Heart, throws stealth and espionage out the door. He is capable of sliding past security cameras to avoid detection, but primarily he is just a bad ass that waltzes through the front door of terrorist camps and arms factories alone with reckless abandon. The Zolge King terrorist group murdered thousands of innocent citizens when it bombed the Southdown’s underground subway and now it must be stopped! The radical faction is based in a 16-story skyscraper owned by Tadoya, a car manufacturing company that is actually a front for the terrorist group that designs bombs and other weapons of mass destruction.
The super spy must traverse each floor, collecting detonator and elevator keys along the way, to locate the safe room where the bombs and blueprints are located. During his quest, Roy battles ski-masked terrorists, gunmen, and a clan of ninja terrorists armed to the teeth with sts of fury, karate kicks, lead pipes, stun guns, and the occasional bomb. Defeating enemies earns experience points which allow the super spy to power up, like many role-playing games (RPG – security cameras to avoid detection). The protagonist prefers to fight hand-to-hand, throw-ing hooks and uppercuts. He can kick and knee-smash his opponents or slash them with a knife that weakens with every use. A er rescuing hostages or aiding enslaved scientists, they return the favor by healing Roy’s wounds, repairing knives, or supplying addional military arms such as brass knuckles.
*Read the rest of this article on page 28 by clicking here!
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