Fight it out with your trusty six-shooter in the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Lead the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s grand armies across the European landscape. Hold the line against Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg. Sink the mighty Bismarck. Command the 1st Infantry Division’s Easy Company against the battle-hardened troops of the German Wehrmacht. These were among the exciting “combat” situations and simulations that games from Strategic Simulations, Inc., let you experience.
From the classic book, “Sorcerers & Soldiers” (Creative Computing Press 1984) by Brian Murphy, “Joel Billings is one of the first programmers who realized the potential of the Apple II as a vehicle for home enter-tainment. More specifically, Billings understood how Apples could be used to create a whole new variety of wargames. He founded a new game company, Strategic Simulations, Inc., the first company devoted to the development of computer strategy games.”
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